Projects in the works:
I'm still working on my game, slowly but surely; I don't have anything to show you guys yet though :( Right now I'm just workin on the art. Once I have some art assets done I'll begin putting together some kind of engine.
I want to be making music consistently as well. With my final semester of school starting up in a week, this will be a challenge for me, but what's life without a little bit of stress? I should be getting at least one track made every month; hopefully I can stick to that goal without too much hassle.
And plus, honestly I'm just thinking about what I'm going to do when I graduate university. I have my whole life ahead of me and I can do whatever I want, so I need to make some huge life decisions. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, I suppose.
Thanks for reading, and listening to my music.
It's been over a year. Give us an update or something please.